Golden Visa Spain


Permanent Residency for Non-EU Investors. Golden Visa Spain.


Long anticipated “Golden Visa” for Non-EU investors has been finally approved by Government of Spain.

Effective immediately,  500,000€ + Real Estate Investors will be eligible to obtain Permanent Residency in Spain.

Advantages of “Golden Visa” and an Investment of 500,000€  in Residential or/and Commercial Properties in Spain:

Automatic qualification for Golden Visa with 500,000€ Investment.

Easy – No Hassle entry and travel to 26 Schengen Countries in Europe.

NO Minimum Stay requirements in Spain

Automatic Visa for the whole Family

Access to European Financial Institutions

Timing : Property Prices are all time LOW!

Quality of life, great year round Climate.

Taking care of your travel arrangements and greeting in Malaga, Spain.

Selection of the most suitable Portfolio for your Investment in Residential or/and Commercial Property/Properties.

Full Legal and Financial Advise*

Visa Application, Documentation and Submission to the corresponding Institutions*.

Property Management if case of your absence, if needed.



Spanish law requires financial institutions to identify
reliably to customers. The documents vary depending on the place of
Spaniards must present the identity document / NIF (number
tax identification).
Community citizens must facilitate:
1) passport and NIE (foreigner identity number); or
2) identity document of your country and NIE); or
3) TIE (foreign identity card).
Citizens from non-EU countries must present in
in any case the TIE.
Spaniards not resident in national territory must prove
this condition with the NIF or passport plus the consular certificate of
inscription in the country's resident registry or DRF3. The rest of
foreigners must present passport or identity document
from your country plus the negative residence certification issued by
Ministry of the Interior or DRF3.
BBVA asks future clients for minimum activity data.
This information is reflected in the DAE document (Declaration of Activity
economic) where the client informs the entity of his professional activity
together with the authorization of the processing of your personal data to comply
with the applicable regulations in this matter.
To accredit and contrast what has been declared by the client, BBVA can request,
also, documents that justify the economic activity or require the client
information about the origin of your funds. The documentation in this case
It depends on whether the new client is self-employed or employed.

Foreigner Identity Number (NIE)
Foreigners who, for their economic, professional or social interests, are related to Spain, will be endowed, for identification purposes, with a personal number, unique and exclusive, of a sequential nature.

The personal number will be the foreigner's identifier, which must appear on all documents that are issued or processed, as well as the procedures that are stamped on your identity card or passport.

For the assignment of NIE due to economic, professional or social interests, the following requests will be accepted:

Those presented in Spain personally by the interested party,
Those presented in Spain through a representative,
Those that appear in the Diplomatic Representations or Spanish Consular Offices located in the country of residence of the applicant, corresponding to their demarcation of residence.
For the allocation of said number, the following documents must be provided:

Standardized application-form (EX-15), duly completed and signed by the foreigner.
Original and copy of the full passport, or identity document, or travel title or registration card in force.
Communication of the economic, professional or social causes that justify the request.
When requested through a representative, he shall prove that he has sufficient power stating expressly that he is empowered to make such a request.
Note on the validity of foreign public documents: To check the necessary requirements regarding the legalization and translation of foreign public documents, you can consult the information sheet of the General Secretariat for Immigration and Emigration (see in EXTERNAL LINKS).

Information sheet on legalization and translation of documents of the General Secretariat for Immigration and Emigration
Electronic headquarters of the General Police Directorate (immigration procedures)

What is the NIE for?

It is vitally important for residents and property owners in Spain - The NIE is required for foreigners (including EU citizens) who intend to live or own a property in Spain. In essence, the NIE is necessary for any economic activity in Spain (even if the NIE holder is taxed in another jurisdiction), such as buying or selling property, registering with the tax office and paying taxes in general , buying or selling a vehicle, obtaining a driver's license, owning a business, working, accessing social security and health services, public services (for example, contracting water and electricity), opening a local bank account (although not necessary for a “non-resident” bank account), accepting an inheritance, etc.

Very important :

The NIE is not a visa or residence permit - The NIE does not grant a visa or a residence permit per se. However, for the foregoing, it is one of the requirements for foreigners who wish to reside in Spain.
This does not imply tax residence - Although the NIE certificate may indicate that the owner is a resident of Spain. In reality, this does not imply or provoke tax residency per se. The concept is tax residence (or tax domicile) is different. At the time of this article, an individual becomes a tax resident in Spain for residing 183 or more days a year in Spain (that is, more than half of the year cumulatively).

This does not imply local residence - Foreigners who own the property or who live in Spain must register in the “municipal register” (that is, the municipal lists of inhabitants in a local community). Related to the NIE, registration in the register also does not imply fiscal residence. However, registration is recommended to ensure: (I) the reduction of taxes with respect to IBI (depending on the policy of the local council); (II) access local services; and (III) greater central government investment in local services and infrastructure.

Requirements, procedures and documentation for foreigners in Spain
Are you a foreigner and want to undertake in Spain? Do you have an innovative project and want to create a business in Spain but are you from another country? Can foreigners open a company in our country? The answer is yes. The agreements in force between the EU member countries and the territories included in the European Economic Area, establish that any EU citizen has the right to create their own company (even as sole owner). It is also allowed to create a branch of a company already established, with registered office and registered in the EU. Of course, you must comply with a series of requirements, take certain aspects into account and carry out the necessary procedures to be able to operate legally.

Requirements for a foreigner to undertake in Spain

A foreigner who wants to create his business in Spain must meet the following requirements:

Reside in Spain legally.
That the idea of ​​the company has the ability to create jobs and is of economic interest to Spain.
Be of age
No criminal record in the last five years.
Do not appear as "rejectable" in Spain or in any country with which you have agreements.
Have health insurance in our country.
Proof that you have sufficient resources for its maintenance and accommodation, in addition to having the necessary investment to start operating.
Have the training and experience required for the project.
Comply with current regulations on the necessary opening requirements, depending on the type of business.
Differences between foreigners belonging to the European Union and those who do not

When establishing a company in our country, it is also important to differentiate between European citizens and those who do not. In this sense, in addition to the members of the EU, they consider themselves members of the community that belong to the European Economic Area and Switzerland, Iceland, Norway or Liechtenstein. All of them can work without more requirements than the previous ones. However, if you plan to stay for a period of more than three months, you must also register with the Central Register of Foreigners at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or at a police station.

For their part, foreigners from outside the EU must apply for an entrepreneur visa, in addition to a residence permit for entrepreneurs, after paying the applicable fees.

Steps to create a company in Spain from another country

If the requirements are met, it's time to start the project. For this, you must present the following documents translated into Spanish at the corresponding Consular Office and perform the following procedures.

The first thing is to open a bank account in Spain.
Secondly, it is necessary to have a report of interest in entrepreneurial activity and a business plan. In addition to proving the interest of the project in the Spanish economy, it will be indicated if the project is viable or not.
Submit the application form in the official model (EX-07) in duplicate, duly completed and signed.
Next, you must register with the Treasury and register the company in the Mercantile Registry. It is possible to do it in the portal CIRCE (Information Center and Business Creation Network), telematically.
In cases where the business is a retail trade, and a premises with an area equal to or less than 300 square meters is required, the corresponding tax payment must be paid, as well as the statement of responsibility.
In the rest of the activities, it is mandatory to certify the licenses required for the development of the activity, indicating the necessary procedures and certifications.
Present the valid passport.
Pay the residence and work fees. These will accrue at the time of admission to the application process, and must be paid within ten business days:
Model 790 code 052, section 2.1 initial authorization for temporary residence.
Model 790 Code 062, section 1.5 “Self-employment authorizations.
In addition to all of the above, documentation must be submitted to demonstrate compliance with the requested requirements: medical certificate, invalidity of a criminal record, justification of investment capacity, etc.

Registering in the municipality is a very important procedure, both for the local administration, because this way its census includes a number of inhabitants adjusted to reality, and thus the central government contributes the corresponding funds; as for the citizen himself, who can access advantages such as discounts on certain taxes (up to 55% on IBI and garbage) or on cultural or sports activities, "recalled the mayor.

Foreign residents can register at the Town Hall, or at the House of Culture. Regarding the documentation, they must present ID or passport, residence certificate or NIE (original and copy), last receipt of the IBI or deed or rental contract (original and copy). In the case of minors, family book or birth certificate (original and copy).

The voter registration flyers are necessary to carry out certain types of procedures. For example:

- To issue or renew the National Identity Document (DNI).

- To issue or renew the passport.

- To renew the driving license.

- To register a vehicle.

- To request a school place.

- To access unemployment aid.

- To justify residence.

- To receive help from social services or access discounts.

- Administrative procedures of the Autonomous Community of residence or the central Administration that do not require the presentation of a registration certificate.

In many municipalities you can request this document by phone, online, by post or in person. It can also be requested by an authorized third party. For this, it will be necessary to show the DNI along with a letter of authorization signed by the registered person, as well as a photocopy of the DNI of the interested party.

Description of the procedure
Document signed by an interested party to start activity, in which he / she declares, under his / her responsibility, that he / she complies with the requirements established in the current regulations to access the recognition of a right or faculty or for its exercise, which has the documentation that thus It accredits it and that it undertakes to maintain its compliance during the period of time inherent in said recognition or exercise.

Required Documentation
* Administrative Documentation: - Standard form duly completed (in duplicate). - N.I.F or N.I.E (Photocopy). - C.I.F of the entity and N.I.F / N.I.E of the legal representative and document that accredits it (Photocopy). - Property title, lease or equivalent document (Photocopy). * Technical documentation: - Urban feasibility report of use, issued by the Town Planning Delegation or Certificate of urban synthesis, according to a standard model, signed by a competent technician, accompanied by a situation plan at 1/1000 scale according to the current PGOU marking the location exact construction, endorsed by Professional College or failing that statement responsible for the technical editor's competence. - Safety Certificate of the facilities, according to the standard model, accompanied by floor plans, at an adequate and standard scale, reflecting the distribution with furniture and uses of the different units as well as the facilities (exteriors, emergency lighting, etc. of the establishment and include a legend with the total built area, broken down by warehouse, and outdoors, if the activity is not included in the scope of Law 13/1999, or Law 7/2007 and its subsequent modifications and has a constructed area of ​​less than 300m2, otherwise, a Technical Project must be submitted, accompanied by a Certificate from the Technical Directorate of the Facilities.

Description of the procedure
The occupation of the public thoroughfare with tables, chairs, night tables, displays, tables, platforms or similar elements is regulated.

Required Documentation
• Photocopy of the D.N.I. of the holder or photocopy of the C.I.F. of the holder, D.N.I. of the undersigned representative and of the document that accredits said representation (Company Deed or Constitution Act, etc.) • Establishment Opening License or Responsible Declaration in the name of the applicant. • Bounded sketch at 1:50 scale expressive of the exact place, form of the installation and size of the elements. Note: In the event that the required documents appear in the occupation authorization file from the previous year, and the data of the holder, the activity or the area to be occupied have not been modified or changed, their presentation will not be necessary. Neither will it be necessary to present the documentation that already works in other dependencies of this City Council.

The transfer of a business is an agreement for the assignment of the lease of a premises or business and tangible commercial assets (furniture, products, etc.) and intangibles (customers, brand, goodwill, etc.) in exchange of a certain price. If the premises were rented by a limited or similar company, an alternative form of transfer is the purchase of said company.

The Transfer is a legal figure, pre-existing to the Urban Leasing Law (LAU) of 1994, although at present, for new contracts, only the assignment of contract is contemplated within the lease of business premises, with or without stock existence.

Malaga is a good city for business. Both if we look inland as if we do it in the province we see a lot of opportunities in which we can enjoy many advantages when it comes to riding something. In this article we show you the commercial premises available in Malaga so that you can get the most out of them. Have you ever considered riding something here?

When we talk about places where we can start a business with very good prospects, Malaga is one of the cities that behaves best and to which we owe very good sales. Thanks to the movement that exists in the province throughout the year, it is easier to reach people who are interested in what we do. Perhaps due to the guarantees it provides in almost all its sections, an opening license in Malaga is not so difficult.

Although any business is feasible when it comes to locating in Malaga, the truth is that there are some that can be more successful than others. In the case of a

Coastal area where the beach is one of its main protagonists, everything related to the world of hospitality and accommodation will be a true reef. Tourists come to the Costa del Sol looking for what in their country is not offered to them, those who leave from the north, find in Malaga an earthly paradise in which partying and fun are elements that can never be missed even in the times of lowest turnover.

For years we have seen Malaga take to the streets to many countries in Europe and the rest of the world. If you have money and want to invest in a city with a large number of tourists of all kinds, this is undoubtedly a golden opportunity.

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